ব্যান্ড/শিল্পীর বিস্তারিত তথ্য

22 years back “The Trap” was born. The band started out in 1990. With lots of ups and down & finally settled as “Raiders” in 1994. After performing with this name for a year, the band decided to change the name again, and in 8 th December 1995, “The Trap” formed.

It was an attempt to stand together of five different music lovers who’s intention was to create different compositions just to satisfy their own souls. Each members were involved doing music since long before. The only point of getting together was the same taste of music n the same mentality…

Since then through many ups n downs n lots of struggles, the band managed to find his way… members changed.. But our philosophy didn’t… still we compose music for our own… for the audience who likes our compositions… we never thought commercially and still we don’t… maybe that’s why in this long journey, we released just a single album of the band.. Though there are many mixed albums…. So far this is what we are… hoping to get the love and support of our audiences like always…

ব্যান্ড/শিল্পীর ছবি



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